Interesting facts you might not know about heat pumps

Interesting facts you might not know about heat pumps from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
As you may know, the demand for heat pumps is increasing across Europe, and the world, due to an ability to decarbonise buildings. However, there are many other facts about heat pumps that are also aiding this demand.
This short blog post will uncover five interesting facts about heat pumps. We have put together this blog post to spark a conversation, please follow us on social media channels and join the conversation.
1. Extremely safe
Heat pumps are an extremely safe option for homes. Quite simply because heat pumps do not have open flames – therefore, removing the chances of fuel leaks or even carbon monoxide poisoning.
2. Sustainable & energy efficient
As mentioned, heat pumps have gained significant attraction as a sustainable and energy-efficient alternative to traditional heating appliances. Due to a unique ability to transfer energy, rather than create energy, and therefore delivering more energy than consumed.
Interestingly, the European Heat Pump Association confirm that on average of “every kW of electricity consumed, about 4kW of thermal energy is generated. Corresponding to 300% efficiency.”

3. Protecting energy security
Energy security safeguards the global energy supply. Since heat pumps consume drastically less energy than traditional alternatives, it can reduce the percentage of energy imports into the EU.
So what does that mean? Take for example a country like Egypt that is completely energy independent and has an annual saving of $3 billion from energy imports.
Now, complete European energy independency holds several complications in terms of longevity. However, if adoption rates for heat pumps increase, it could steer Europe to becoming more energy independent. Ultimately, saving costs, increasing sustainability as well as safeguarding regional energy supplies.
4. Improving air-quality
Buildings that emit high carbon emissions are extremely harmful to individuals and the environment. Thankfully, heat pumps have low carbon emissions, and therefore, can drastically improve air quality in terms of carbon air-concentration.
5. Tackling heat poverty
Heat poverty relates to when an individual is unable to afford to keep their home suitably heated. The European Commission estimates that between 50 and 125 million people across Europe live in such conditions. Even worst, in recent years, issues with fuel poverty have shown little sign of improvement. These findings also confirm that a large percentage of the European population face this problem due to:
- Income
- Socio-economic status
- Geographical climate
Factors to which are largely incontrollable for the everyday citizen.
However, research published in the Institute of Public Policy Research in 2020 suggests that heat pumps could potentially solve issues with heat poverty. The researchers state that heat pumps could largely tackle fuel poverty “through improving energy efficiency and deploying low carbon heating systems that the most cost-effective and long-lasting difference”. Potentially reducing this poverty gap, but also potentially lowering deaths due to cold homes.
Want to know more?
We hope that this blog has provided you with some interesting facts. For more information please navigate to our product pages or contact us directly.
Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries