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STULZ receives clean air certificate for its air handling units

STULZ receives clean air certificate for its air handling units

STULZ Group B.V. has demonstrated compliance with the Viridi Air assessment criteria for making a significant contribution to healthy indoor environments. By meeting the assessment criteria, STULZ, becomes a partner of Viridi Air. In addition to the certificate, Viridi Air will place 1 green filter in an outdoor filtration project.

STULZ is very pleased with this recognition and new partnership. We have been committed to healthy indoor environments for some time and this certificate is a great bonus. The recognition for our products (with in particular our air handling units for comfort applications) is another step in the right direction, in an era where a healthy indoor environment is more important and relevant than before.

ClimaPac Air Handling units

Air handling for your comfort applications. The air handling unit for maximum energy efficiency and comfort. Our systems are modular and can be specifically adapted to your needs and requirements.

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