What is your name?
Paul Driessen
What is your current position at STULZ and what does this position entail?
At STULZ, as Technical Consultant Precision Cooling, I will be working to expand and, where necessary, strengthen relationships with consultants and datacenters. We are going to map out what these parties need to market our services and products.
Tell us something about yourself (characteristics, vision, how am I in life, personal (work) goals)?
Datacenters are an integral part of our society. Whether we like it or not, we are all dependent on or connected to the internet, apps, networks and platforms in one way or another. All of this consumes energy, so it's best to make the components as efficient and robust and reliable as possible. Cooling, heat recovery, energy transition and a renewed vision on how to deal with waste (heat is not waste!) have my undivided attention.
By working with STULZ on this very important part of our online society, I can make a small contribution to a big and compelling topic. In my daily life I try to live as energy-efficient and sustainable as possible and to minimize the impact on our resources.
What are your (previous) qualifications? (education, previous jobs, etc)
After studying communications, I started working commercially in the pharmaceutical industry.
At one point I got the opportunity to work for Wanadoo and I entered the world of the Internet.
After this I worked for a smaller integrator and after that, I worked almost 10 years for KPN.
At KPN I started to focus more and more on datacenters and as product manager I was involved in the development and positioning of the 1st TIER IV datacenter in the Netherlands (Eindhoven). We set up a new datacenter company, originated from KPN, called NL|DC. This is now known as NorthC and has merged with another datacenter company.
After KPN, I worked for SPIE as a business developer for datacenter projects and I ended up at STULZ via EXA (as product manager).
The common thread over the past 15 years: datacenters. On the operating, installing and now also on the manufacturing side. All commercial/technical
How did you get in touch with STULZ?
In recent years, I have regularly come into contact with STULZ due to my various roles at my former employers. From these contacts I was approached for this role and we decided to take on the challenge together.
Is there something else you want to tell us about?
I would like to say a lot more, but let me just say that I am very much looking forward to working at STULZ and together with my new colleagues to complete beautiful (new) projects and to realize extremely satisfied customers!