A day STULZ service department
Samantha speaking on behalf of the STULZ service department.
Just before eight o'clock I enter our office in Amstelveen. As usual, a number of early birds are already present and after a cheerful "good morning" I switch on the PC and get a cup of coffee. First I log into the various systems, including a glance at our Track & Trace system to see if all mechanics are safely on their way. Our general Service email box contains one or two unread messages from our messenger service with fault reports from the previous night, where necessary we contact the customer and send a mechanic out. Unfortunately we have to call in a colleague mechanic on sick leave and reschedule his work. A brief consultation with the other colleagues from the service department about the current issues and sparring together where necessary.
During the day we plan maintenance and in between we receive a few malfunction reports. A quick look at our Track & Trace system to see who is closest to the location of the malfunction, so we can respond quickly and adequately. The technician is on his way and reports back after the installation in question is operational again. He was able to repair a defective part with an emergency repair, but this part will need to be replaced soon. It is up to the planning department to first discuss the costs with the customer, after which the part must be selected in our system and, of course, sent to the engineer by overnight delivery so that the part can be replaced immediately the next day.
After lunch everyone is busy at work again, time to evaluate the morning's work orders and discuss any particularities with the relevant account manager. During the morning a number of orders came in for non-contractual work, these are processed in the system and materials are ordered. If required, items such as cranes or getting coated early are arranged immediately. In the meantime, the signed-off work orders are processed and any invoices prepared for breakdown visits performed. By now the day is almost over, the last urgent deliveries to mechanics are taken care of and the planning is changed once more because of an urgent breakdown that we have just received. The call center that takes calls outside office hours also still needs to be called, because the technician on call is sick, so the backup has to be called in.
Everything is settled, tomorrow a new day with new challenges.
More information about our service department can be found here.