Heat pumps of the latest generation with for example natural CO2 refrigerant for performance and efficiency
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries heat pumps are most efficient in their use and are designed by specialists. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries heat pumps are the most technical advanced solution concerning heatpumps. Find more information about MHI and their heatpumps on this page.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems air to water heat pump is a complete modern system for heating, cooling and producing hot sanitary water for houses, offering effective energy saving and reducing carbon dioxide emission.

The Q-ton CO2 heat pump from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries uses two-stage scroll and rotary piston compressors. With CO2 as a refrigerant, very efficient hot water production of up to 90 ° C is ensured. Whether for restaurants, sports halls or hotel complexes.

The AQUAPURA MONOBLOC high efficiency heat pump for Domestic Water Heating (DHW) is a modern solution, efficient, and clean solution that guarantees the comfort of your home, while always respecting the environment.

S-Klima Heat pumps
Heat pumps from S-Klima can be used wherever maximum efficiency and optimum reliability are desired. This applies, for example, to offices and hotels, but also to commercial and industrial projects and public buildings such as hospitals.
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More information about our Heat Pumps
Sustainable Heating
There are several options for cooling and heating your home sustainably and energy efficiently
At STULZ, we provide a variety of systems to regulate the climate in the home efficiently and comfortably, but which one suits you? Watch our extensive video to discover which options are available regarding sustainble heating for your home.