Comfort Cooling from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Excellent, high-quality mono- and multi-split comfort airconditioners and VRF systems. Supplemented by control modules and appliance components from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for individualizing sophisticated comfort airconditioning solutions.

The KX series ensures efficient airconditioning of large buildings. The KX series stands out in terms of comfort, and energy efficiency. Indoor and outdoor units can be combined with each other almost indefinitely and controlled and monitored centrally or remotely. In short, the VRF series from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is the room climate system for the highest demands.
Discover our KX-Serie products in our webshop
More information on our VRF projects

Designed for cooling and heating in the small power range, the environmentally friendly series is mainly used in small commercial buildings or homes with up to 6 rooms. The indoor units are particularly quiet, all outdoor units operate safely down to -15 ° C outside temperature and are equipped with the energy-efficient inverter technology.
Discover our SX-Series products in our website

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' extremely compact outdoor and indoor units for heating and cooling ensure an ideal working environment in open-plan offices 365 days a year and an optimally comfortable climate in shops, for example.
Discover our FDS-Series products in our website

The monosplit systems cool and heat individual rooms such as small shops or private bedrooms as well as conservatories cost-effectively. This creates an ideal feel-good climate all year round.
Discover our S-Series products in our webshop

The split system in cooperation with Misubishi Heavy Industries for reliable and efficient cooling equipment and server rooms.
Discover the EC-Tower in our webshop

CompTrol & Controlling
The operation of airconditioning systems can be made even more economical, more comfortable and safer thanks to smart control and regulation technology. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' innovative CompTrol products specifically for airconditioning systems are designed to take comfort-climate systems to a whole new level. Continuous remote monitoring makes it possible, for example, to detect faults early via remote diagnosis. The modular series offers a suitable system for every task, from a single local solution to integration in existing building management and management systems.
Discover our Controlling products in our webshop