Most efficient precision air conditioning units for optimum control of temperature and humidity
The air conditioning in rooms housing mission critical applications requires very large amounts of heat to be removed reliably and efficiently. With precision air conditioning units from STULZ, you can rely on full operational reliability. Our solutions provide continuous air conditioning with maximum energy efficiency, even at high heat loads.

CyberAir Mini
CyberAir Mini is an energy-efficient and noise-optimized unit series for small to medium heat loads. These modern and maintenance-friendly units require only a small footprint and can be easily installed in existing rooms thanks to their compact dimensions.

MiniSpace EC
The MiniSpace precision air-conditioning system from STULZ cools small servers and equipment rooms with a heat load of up to 28 kW.

EC- Tower
The split system in cooperation with Misubishi Heavy Industries for reliable and efficient cooling equipment and server rooms.

CyberAir 3PRO DX ASR
To reach maximum cooling performance with minimum floor space and maximum potential savings, STULZ has developed the CyberAir 3PRO DX ASR series with underfloor fan section.

CyberAir 3PRO CW
CyberAir 3PRO CW is the result of consistent further development of our thoroughly successful CyberAir 3 series. The CyberAir 3PRO CW units are optimized for energy efficiency, low fan power consumption and "modern" high air and water temperatures.

With the CyberLab, STULZ is introducing a precision climate unit that was developed specially for applications with a low or no heat load, though in which temperature and humidity need to be kept constant with precision.
More information about server room cooling from STULZ
Server room cooling what should I keep in mind?
Where data is processed, servers are needed. Those servers, in their turn, need efficient and functional cooling. But what should you keep in mind, and more importantly, what kind of cooling systems should you choose? Today, the possibilities of server rooms and the associated cooling systems are endless.

Which type of air conditioning for smaller server- and IT-rooms is the right one for me?
For many companies, the aspect of cooling server- or IT-rooms is more relevant than ever. This has several causes. The main one is the increase in data traffic (due to, for example, the increase in working from home) and the rising temperatures worldwide (global warming). As a manufacturer of cooling for these smaller server rooms, we encounter many different situations that can be improved by means of our climate solutions.

Server room cooling: Return air and room air conditioners compared
Cooling server rooms with room air conditioners? That sounds enticing to many a data center operator. Room air conditioners were not originally designed for use in equipment rooms (precision air-conditioning systems capable of regulating room temperature much more accurately were developed for that job), but they have become much cheaper recently, and in tests they now deliver similar results to precision systems.